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User Education

In this section you'll find how to perform any number of actions in CBA to maintain your records.

How to add a Contractor

How to:

Learn to add a new contractor in CBA

To add a new contractor navigate to the Carrier level and select the Contractors tab. 1.- Click “Add Contractor” Pro tip: You can use the in-line search we mentioned…

How to add a unit

How to:

Learn how to add a unit to an existing contractor record

To add a new unit navigate to the contractor record associated with this vehicle.  1.- Click “Add a Unit”  2.- Enter the unit’s information and click continue.  CBA will…

How to add Coverage

How to:

Learn how to apply for coverage to an existing contractor record

To add coverage navigate to the unit record you would like to insure. 1.- Click “Apply for coverage bundle” 2.- Select the effective date of the coverage and click…

How to add an Interested party

How to:

Learn how to add a certificate holder, loss payee or any interested party to a unit

To add an Interested Party navigate to the unit record1.- Click “Add an interested party”  2.- Select the relationship type Such as Additional Insured, Certificate holder, or Loss payee 3-…

How to export a list of Active Contractors/Drivers

How to:

How to download a list of Active Contractors or Drivers by coverage type

1.- Navigate to the home menu and select Export 2.- Click "Load a saved list" 3.-  Find the list "Active Coverage (By Coverage Type and by Motor Carrier) and…

How to generate a Certificate of Insurance

How to:

How to download/print a Certificate of Insurance

To print a certificate of insurance please navigate to the unit (or contractor) level where the document is stored and follow the next steps:   1. Click the gear…