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User Education

In this section you'll find how to perform any number of actions in CBA to maintain your records.

How to cancel or close coverage

How to:

In this article, you will learn how to cancel or close coverage for a contractor or unit

There are 2 ways to cancel coverage in CBA depending of what you'd like to do.  A) Cancel a single line of coverage  B) Cancel all lines of coverage…

How to download your bill

How to:

Navigate to the motor carrier level in CBA Click on the Billings Tab Click on the Month you would like to download the bill for. This will generate an…

How to change portals

How to:

Learn how to navigate across the different portals you have access to.

To change portals click "options" on the top right corner of the screen Select the desired portal from the dropdown menu and click "Switch Portals" Note: if there's a portal…

Move Unit to Another Contractor (Move Unit Button)

How to: New Features

Move Unit Button

To move a unit using the 'Move Unit' button to another Contractor. 1. Navigate to the Unit to be moved 2. Click 'Move unit' near the top of the…

Welcome to the future of CBA!


Using Coverage Request - CBA

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Filtering Inactive Units on Contractor Page

Updates New Features

Filtering Units on Contractor Page To filter inactive units from the contractor page, click 'Hide Inactives'. This will filter out any inactive units or units that may have moved…